For Immediate Release: Husband and
Wife Resign from Volunteer Positions Luz and Linda Arellano announced
today that they will resign their
positions effective immediately
with the Silver Rose. The Silver
Rose is a non-profit organization
established in 1997 by Mary Liz
Marchand to support veterans chemically
wounded by Agent Orange.
For Immediate Release: When
Customers Tear Their Hair Out
In Frustration…An
Angel Can Step In
Consumers who can't resolve a problem
with a company can visit their Customer
Angel, and Arellano's company will
not only research the right person
to receive the message, but will
follow up with the consumer to see
how the company responded.
Media Release: What can call center
employees do to become invaluable
to their company? Listen.
“Listen to your customer
and they'll tell you what you need
to do to make them happy.”
That's what Linda Arellano, a teleservice
consultant and president of Las
Vegas-based Customer Assurance told
employees of the Burlingame, CA-based
call center for the American Heart
Media Release: Linda Arellano,
founder of Customer Assurance LLC,
recently received the “Honorary
Order of the Silver Rose” medal
from the order of the Silver Rose.
Ms. Arellano was recognized for
her exceptional caring and concern
for not only America's Vietnam Veterans,
but also all veterans.
The Honorary Order of the Silver
Rose medal is given to an “individual
who contributes his or her leadership,
time and expertise to helping Vietnam
Veterans and The Order of the Silver
Rose accomplish their goals.” Read
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